About Champions

Champions for a Drug Free Muhlenberg County’s mission is to work as a coordinated community utilizing resources across multiple sectors to reduce youth substance use in a comprehensive and long-term manner, thereby also reducing adult substance abuse in the community.
Champions strives to work towards goal alignment with the Drug Free Communities Support Program. Champions membership has grown to include multiple government, nonprofit, and private organizations. and continues to add new organizations from across the county to its active membership. Youth involvement has been instrumental.
In alignment with the DFC Support Program’s goal of reducing substance abuse among youth, Champion’s primary focus since inception has been youth substance abuse. Programs include youth education and engagement, as well as family engagement. This page provides substance abuse resources for youth and families.
Bookmark this page and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with Champions for a Drug Free Muhlenberg County! https://www.facebook.com/Champions-for-a-Drug-Free-Muhlenberg-County-112842416907827
•Business Child Care Providers
•Civic/Volunteer Groups
•Courts & Probation
•Cultural Groups & Organizations
•Elementary & Secondary Education
•Government Healthcare Professionals
•Higher Education
•Human & Social Services
•Law Enforcement
•Religious & Fraternal Organizations
•Senior Citizens
•Youth Serving Organizations
•Other Organizations with Expertise in Substance Abuse
Would you like to join a sector? Call 270-745-4671 or email mollyr.fauver@muhhd.com.
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